Terrarium with live tropical plants - wall decoration
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3 glass panels terarrium, with tropical plants

No maintenance needed

Touch Design terrariums are fully automated microclimates of tropical plants, which do not need maintenance.

Automated irrigation system

Touch Design terrariums are equipped with a fully automated irrigation system.

Controlled lighting

Touch Design terrariums are equipped with an automatic lighting system which simulates the day/night cycle of plants.

Biophilic design

Touch Design terrariums are part of the modern concept of biophilia, and contribute to achieving enhanced performance and improved quality of daily life.

Terrarium with live tropical plants – wall decoration


This terrarium easily integrates in the interior design as a wall decoration. The existing wall can be overlaid with the terrarium.
The terrarium has three glass panels and its shape and size can vary. It can even decorate the corner of a room as a glass wall.


Its advantages:

  • The tropical plants are natural, live, evolving and blooming.
  • The indoor tropical oasis can help improve well-being, relaxation and productivity.
  • Irrigation is automatic and the terrarium can be connected to the water main or supplied independently from a water reservoir.
  • The terrarium can be placed in confined spaces, without natural light.
  • The terrarium is fully automated and it only needs to be connected to the mains power source.
  • It can be built in different sizes, tailored to fit the desired space.
  • It does not require frequent maintenance.

perete viu decorativ

3 glass panels terarrium, with tropical plants


If placed in museums, botanical gardens or zoos, they fulfill three different functions: educational, aesthetic and relaxing. If placed in open space offices, the terrariums help increase the productivity and well-being of the employees.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details.

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